Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Christmas Jokes

  • Cinderella was a poor football player- Do you know the reason?
    Answer: She used to run away from the ball.
  • Name the child's favorite Christma king?
    Answer: A stocking.
  • On Christmas morning the coy boy said what?
    Answer: Mooooey Christmas.
  • What Mary Popins wanted from Santa?
    Answer: Superclausfragilisticexpiallisnowshoes.
  • What do you all know about ig?
    Answer: An Eskimo house without Loo.
  • How yeti gets down from the hill top?
    Answer: By-icicle.
  • If the vampire crosses the road you will find what?
    Answer: Frost bite.
  • Why the Christmas tree can’t stand up?
    Answer: It doesn’t have legs.
  • What for the trumpet of Ken was kept in the freezer?
    Answer: Because he loves cool music.
  • Name the special part of your body during Christmas?
    Answer: mistletoe.
  • Differentiate between Christmas alphabet and ordinary alphabet?
    Answer: The Christmas alphabet has Noel.
  • What did the pack of Walkers say to the Skips?
    Answer: Merry Crispmass
  • You should be careful at Christmas - why?
    Answer: There are mince spies about!
  • Do you know the reason for which the duck had crossed the road?
    Answer: to quack open the ice.
  • Why is it cold in Christmas?
    Answer: Because it is December.
  • What is the popular carol in Desert?
    Answer: Camel ye Faithful.
  • What could be a perfect gift for the station master during Christmas?
    Answer: Platform Shoes.
  • The month of December has something which no other month has- what id that?
    Answer: The letter D.
  • What Cinderella sang when she saw her photograph was not ready?
    Answer: Someday my prints will come. . . .
  • What's brown and sneaks round the kitchen?
    Answer: Mince spies.

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